4 B2B Industries Who’s Content Marketing Took Next Level

For the entire business to the business world and especially the marketers. Content marketing has become one of the finest and greatest ideas to get the customers to be engaged with them as well as getting the best attention of their customers. Content marketing works well because it is engaging, attractive, and could be used to make the different strategies to be implied in it to make the contemplations on the purposes of marketing with effectiveness. 

In recent times since digital marketing has taken over the world, we can see a number of changes to happen in the field of marketing, and the same has made companies and brands now think differently. Segmentation and targeting have been made more accurate, which gives marketers a better chance of persuading customers and potential customers. But more importantly, the creation of content and its expression plays an important role, such as using a logo animation can be a better idea than just a logo. A blog post with detailed brand characteristics would just be more enough than a picture of that brand. The value that you bring through content will surely bring a change to your marketing.

Here in this blog, we have mentioned four business to business brands that have taken the content marketing to be level of maximum creativity and innovation in order to get the benefits of this technique to be brought in their business.


The computer technology sellers Lenovo is one of the leading brands of the industry. Their constant urge to make the contemplations on increasing their brand’s awareness took them to come to content marketing. They made consideration of using the same in order to get their purposes of marketing to be achieved. They had a clear mind that their buyers are people who are in the field of computer sciences and have proper knowledge of their area. In reference to the same, they progressed on making the content to be informative as well as actionable, which could then be used for making the informed buying decision. The same was posted across multiple channels and made an impact on their business. With around 252 articles, they brought 308K link clicks from with 170K were from the web users who were new. This overall gave them an attributed sales of $30M in just about nine months. 


Hubspot again is one of the businesses that target the other businesses, and one of the main targets that it has got is small businesses and organizations. The company had tremendous in the market until they came up with something amazing to beat its competitors; all ends up. They were inbound marketing software, and only a few people knew about it. Thus, they contemplated on educating people about inbound marketing rather than promoting themselves and integrated their business among that information which made people come on their page or website while searching for inbound marketing. This gave a major boost to the business of HubSpot, giving it a valuation of $1 billion from $80 million in just a few years. Their main strategy was to post blogs, organize and telecast webinars, and make the contemplations case studies in order to provide informative content.


Salesforce is the leader in the industry of CRM products, and their basic problem was in creating website traffic and lead generation to which they came up with the idea of using content marketing to make the contemplations on eradicating this challenge for the business. They came up with the idea of capturing the attention of the customers, and for that, they used innovative and entertaining content to be created. Their idea worked well, and their fun videos, engaging posts, and such other content brought more than 80 percent increase in their web traffic as their posted content was then liked by the people who then turned towards the home page of the sales force.

Lead Pages

It is a company that sells mobile-optimized landing page templates. The small size of the company and the competition against the giants like Infusion soft was one of their major challenges, yet their idea to come up with content that could be used to gain the attention of the customers took them to the success. They created engaging blogs to make the contemplations on bringing the attention of the customers to the business, which was then converted eventually into sales.

These companies made the progressions on content marketing, and we can see how they have made an impact on their growth and sales.

Author Bio: Wayne Dietz is a professional writer having the urge to make the people know about the trends of video animation. His focus on 3D animation can be clearly seen in his writing. He makes these tools and trends to be communicated to the world through his writings with an aim to keep people updated on the things that are there in the world. Vincent has made his contributions on namely websites, and sharing the information that he has explored makes him feel like he is accomplishing in the purposes that he has set.

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